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The following NCEs have contributed to the development of the Forum:
Les RCE suivants ont contribué au développement du Forum : GRAND, AGE-WELL, GlycoNet, CFN

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From GlycoNet Forum

The Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) will build on Canada’s international leadership in glycomics over the last 50 years. Glycomics researchers (working in such disciplines as chemistry, biochemistry, biology and immunology) analyze the many and varied roles of carbohydrates in biological processes, including the carbohydrate structures on blood cells that determine blood type. Glycomics-based research has the potential to lead to the development of new drugs and vaccines for conditions such as influenza, genetic diseases or diabetes. By bringing together all key Canadian glycomics researchers, GlycoNet will deliver solutions to important health issues. In this rapidly growing field, the network aims to become a global destination for researchers and industry seeking solutions to problems through applied glycomics research.